Tuesday, February 3, 2015

recipe review | new recipe of the week: lemon curd (paleo)

One of my goals is to cook a new recipe every week.  I have my go-to recipes, as do we all, but I love exploring new flavors and cooking techniques. Check back weekly for a new Recipe of the Week! 

I am a lifelong, certified chocoholic, but I have been on a huge citrus kick lately.  Maybe it reminds me of the amazing lemon pastries I sampled in Paris, but it's probably a subconscious desire to prevent scurvy in this long Northeast winter.

After trying (read: finishing far too quickly) Trader Joe's Lemon Curd, I looked at the ingredient list and decided 2 things: 1. I could make this on my own, easily. 2. I could make this with higher-quality ingredients, avoiding refined sugar and processed oils.

With a little help from my best friend Google, I found this Easy Lemon Curd recipe from Savory Lotus and went to work.  The result was a smooth burst of citrus on my spoon.  It was so good, I could definitely eat it in an entire sitting.  I didn't, but let's see if it lasts through the day.

The finished product, minus my healthy quality control sample

This recipe was definitely easy to make, as promised, and I had the hardest time letting it cool and thicken overnight...that's how much I wanted to eat it!  You can click the link above for the recipe.  One thing I will say is: make sure you beat your eggs THOROUGHLY before adding to the mixture, and keep your heat on low as the recipe says.  I don't have any photos of the cooking process, but I definitely had to strain some scrambled egg whites out of my curd.  What can I say, I was just too excited to have lemon deliciousness in my life.

Easiest way of eating: by the jarful. I mean, spoonful.

While I have already copped to eating far too much of this on its own, this lemon curd would go great in baked goods, with fresh fruit, or maybe even stirred into some oatmeal.  This recipe will go into my "Definitely make again" queue, as well as the "Things I probably shouldn't know how to make" list.  Darn you, sweet tooth!

The bossyenglish Boss Take: definitely make this. Your scurvy-free self can thank me later!

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