Saturday, February 7, 2015

why paleo?

Considering the two next posts I have planned for this blog are Paleo recipes, I figured it might be helpful to explain what Paleo is (so you don't have to google) and why I choose to eat this way.  

image credit:

What is Paleo?

Eating Paleo in a nutshell is: grain-free, dairy-free, legume-free, soy-free, processed-food-free.  Some people call it a "caveman" style of eating, as the goal is to eat the same types of food hunter-gatherers might have eaten.  (Oversimplified: pizza doesn't grow on trees... sadly.  Or, there was no way to process grain prior to industrialization.)

If you want to see it explained more/better, please visit the following links.  These are also the first sites I began to use when I went Paleo 5 years ago:

Why eat Paleo?

About five years ago, I was feeling out of shape and frustrated with the solutions I knew how to do.  At the time, I was a teacher, so I was pretty much on my feet all day already.  I was already working out 5-6 days a week; I added on more time to my daily workouts.  I tried cutting down on the amount of sugar I was eating, I tried eating low-fat, I tried Weight Watchers.  And yet I still remained the same weight, just more tired, hungry and cranky. This was pre-the invention of the term hangry, but I would use that term now.

Then through a gym challenge, I discovered Paleo, and to my surprise, it WORKED.  No more counting calories, grams of sugar, or points.  Just eating meat and produce, for the most part.  I had more energy, my workouts felt better, and I felt awesome.  You can hit google to find more "success stories" - there are even people who have used this style of eating to improve chronic illnesses and autoimmune disorders. Luckily, I'm not in this boat, but pretty powerful.

Here's why I like it: after the initial month-long challenge, I realized I like the other stuff way more than I like grains.  Meat sauce tastes just as good without pasta, I was never super crazy about rice, and I found more whole food options for other things (like oatmeal!). I have become a better cook, more imaginative and more skilled, and I LOVE finding ways to remake non-paleo recipes.  So that, combined with feeling much better, has made me more or less a paleo convert.

What it means for me now

I would be lying if I said I was 100% strict paleo.  It is HARD for me to maintain, especially when I am traveling or around people who eat a less varied diet than I do.  It requires a lot of planning, especially because my current job requires a lot of driving (and my car still doesn't have a microwave...2015, try harder), and sometimes I am lazy.

If you read Paleo blogs, a lot of people have figured out a way to make Paleo work for them.  Life is too short to go to Paris and not drown yourself in baguettes and cheese (provided your health permits it), or eat a sweet treat on your birthday, or drink wine.  My current list of "not Paleo, but works for me" are: a little dairy in my coffee, grass-fed butter, wine (duh), and some Paleo-ified baked goods.  I eat good pizza on occasion.  I try local cuisine when I travel, including local beer.  And I still eat more vegetables than 90% of the people I know, so I don't stress about those choices.  My Boss Take: Paleo works for me.  You should try it and see if it works for you.

If you're interested in learning more, comment below or check out some of my favorite sites: PaleOMGAgainst All GrainPrimal Palate, or the sites listed above.  Happy eating!

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